Council of Nursing Unions to Defer Outstanding Issues to Arbitrator


The Nova Scotia Council of Nursing Unions (NSNU, NSGEU, CUPE and Unifor) and the Employer group have completed collective bargaining and are referring all remaining matters in dispute to Arbitrator William Kaplan. Mr. Kaplan was named as mediator-arbitrator for all Acute Care, collective agreements in an agreement that was ratified by a large majority of workers in May of this year.

The 20-member Nursing Council began collective bargaining in early September and meetings with the Employers continued until early this week. As a result, the issues that must be resolved by Mr. Kaplan have been narrowed considerably. Written submissions will be made to Mr. Kaplan by the end of this week and we expect him to issue his Order, setting the terms of the new Nursing Collective Agreement, shortly after he reviews the submissions.

Once the Nursing Council receives the Order, the unions will share a link to the Agreement on their respective platforms and information sessions will be scheduled. Members will receive updates and notices as quickly as arrangements can be made.

The Council of Nursing Unions thanks you for your patience as we embark on this final phase of the process. It has been a long journey in uncommon and uncharted territory. The team worked very hard on behalf of nurses across the province to achieve the best possible outcome.

If you have comments or questions, please contact:

Susan Gill, Unifor National Representative